Thursday, May 29, 2014

Capturing Love

Now....some of you might be thinking, "Oh my goodness, what is this she is posting..." because this is not my typical book that I would blog about. HOWEVER, I am SO SO SO grateful for Blogging for Books for their new opportunity for bloggers to branch out and try different genres of books. It makes blogging SO much more fun!

When I first saw this book, I saw it was about photography. Now, I am in so shape or form a professional photographer, but I'm a sucker for a good photograph that captures the essence of a moment. That was what drew me to this book. 

I thought it was going to be about all pretty pictures....that was what I was excited about. But this book was so much more than that. While this book is geared toward the photographer and helping capture the special moment between the same sex couple (this is what they refer to the couple as throughout the book) with amazing images that took my breath away, it is a great in depth "instructional" if you will. There are so many great tips and techniques for any photographer. It's chock full of different ideas. Whether you are shooting gay or straight sessions....anyone can learn from and gain from this book. Focusing on different angles, settings and emotions for the couples is an important part of creating the mood and capturing the couple in any photography session. This gives added advice on "general" portraits.

I also had a new perspective on the same sex marriage. I think they are beautiful and this book captures the moment for each couple beautifully. 

Martie Maguire (formally of the Dixie Chicks) states it wonderfully in her Forward about what this book is really about: "...this book not only offers an amazing collection of images of love between two people, their families, and friends, it also offers a practical and insightful step-by-step instruction for photographers on how to capture these unique wedding moments. It breaks down a million and one reasons why approaching a nontraditional wedding may require a different set of skills and considerations, and in the this book lie many ideas and solutions."

I hope you take the time to look at the amazing pictures and maybe learn something in the process. 

***This review was done solely off my own views of the subject matter. I received this book free from Blogging for Books in return for an honest review of the product. I am not getting paid to review these books.***

Friday, May 23, 2014


When I first got this book, I was intrigued. I started reading it and the first sentence got me hooked. However, I started the second chapter......looked at the spine of the book, and didn't realize it was the fourth book of a series....

The only downfall to being a book blogger, is the company's don't always tell you that a book is part of a series...or silly human error on my part that I didn't bother to read more in to it before I started reading it.

But...I kept on hoping that I would understand. And honestly...the book did a good job of doing that for me. I may not have known who all the characters were at first, but like meeting new people, you eventually get to know them.

Now I'm almost tempted to go back and read the other books to learn more about everyone...from the beginning.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

10 Days Without....

What would you do if you went 10 days without something you thought to be essential? Would you be able to survive without your phone, iPad, computer...? What about shoes? Or a coat?

Daniel Ryan Day did just that...amongst many other things. He went 10 days without shoes, 10 days without furniture, 10 days without a help raise awareness for many of the world's problems. Things we take for granted. He shared his story with us and he challenges the reader to take that step and go 10 days without something.

Sounds pretty simple doesn't? I tried it and I didn't even make it one day without my shoes. JUST THE FIRST CHAPTER ALONE! It's not as easy as it sounds. In the 1st World...we are spoiled. We take so much for granted....we are so dependent on so many things.

This book should be a regular in churches, businesses, challenge people to open their eyes and help humanity.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Queen's Handmaid

I have never read anything from Tracy L. Higley before. What drew me to the book was the fact that it took place in Ancient Egypt. I've been fascinated with Ancient Egypt since I was a child.

I enjoy historical fiction books and I was glad I picked up this book. It helps when the author takes time to do research of the time period. This story was wonderfully told. I could visualize the events taking place as if I was actually there. It's also nice that it a good, clean read.

If you like historical fiction, I would recommend picking this up.