Thursday, July 30, 2015

7 Secrets to an Awesome Marrigae

7 Secrets...

I am not currently in a marriage, or a relationship for that matter, but it does not hurt to learn about how a marriage should work, right?

I was hoping the best for this book. To me, it felt like all the other "self-help" marriage books out there, just broken up into 7 different categories. I didn't feel like there were any secrets that have not already been discovered by other authors, or the Great Author himself.

This is just my humble opinion.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Second Street Nation Review

I like reading all sorts of books. I like reading historical long as it is historically accurate. I had a hard time getting through Second Street Nation because Mary Hadley is a modern woman in 1888, however her vulgar language reminds me that of a woman of the 21st century or a poorer ranking woman in the 19th century. She also lives in a one bedroom apartment with running water (she turns the faucet on to soothe a burn while cooking). I don't remember there being running water in an apartment, especially that of a bad side of a town.

I really wanted to like this book considering this is Lawrence Levy's first novel. However, do to the discrepancies, it was difficult for me to get through without making some sort of comment every few sentences.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Good, The Bad, and the Grace of God

I was never really a fan of Duck Dynasty. I did, however, admire their faith in God and willingness to share it. Especially being on television where religious views aren't always openly accepted. It was a breath of fresh air to read this and learn about the family behind the popular television show. I have a new found respsect for the Robertson clan.

Jep Roberston, the youngest member of the Dynasty family, and his wife, Jessica, open up about their marriage, their family, and their faith in God. Most biographies I've read have been very "on the surface", but the Robertson's were not afraid to open up about their lives. It's a quick read, and anyone would learn something about themselves.