Thursday, January 23, 2014

Andi Unexpected

This was a cute book. Very short read for me. I was able to read this in one night.

I know I'm an adult, and this is a children's novel, but sometimes, you just have to let the brain rest. And this was just what I needed.

Andi and her sister Bethany move in with their aunt. Andi (or Andora as we find out) is named after someone in her family. While living with her aunt, her new friend, Collin, and her spend time together cleaning out her aunt's attic to make room for Andi's new room up there. They end up going on an adventure after finding an old box. What's in it? Why is her name on it?

I would recommend this to anyone looking for a new book for their child to read. It's a wonderful little tale. One that I could even see being made into a movie.


What does love really mean?

"Love is a noun and a verb."
"'Love' is a junk drawer we dump all sorts of ideas into, just because we don't have anywhere else to put them. Example, I 'love' God, I 'love' fish tacos. See the problem?"

John Mark Comer has a way to reach the human heart and mind. Some might find some of the things he says as crass (example would be when talking about the desire for porn he says "jacking off"), but honestly, he is using lingo that many people use in every day talk.

He helps us see what love is. From God coming to Earth as a human, to gay relationships. And everything else in between during a relationship about a man and his wife. They are your friend, partner, and lover.

I love when "Christian" authors aren't afraid to talk about sex and marriage and how they are so important and entwined. GOD MADE IT. It's NOT a taboo. After all, Song of Songs is a love poem dedicated to a man and a woman and their romance and desire for each other. I grew up in a home where sex was NOT talked about and was told how 'bad' it really is. I have a very open relationship with a man that has become my best friend and we have a long distance relationship. While we may not have the physical implication between us, we do have very intimate talks about sex. He is the only one that I have felt safe talking about things like that. I don't feel embarrassed. I think that is what God wants for us when we find our mate.

Also, I love how John Mark talks about singleness as being a gift. I remember for the longest time wanting to get married and have children. I still do, but at the same time, that intense waiting was the WORST! But, the waiting brought a very special man in my life as well a stronger relationship with God.

This book is for everyone: single, engaged, married, gay/straight. We are all in need of love. And this book reminds us what it is to love and be loved.

On the down note, the only thing that I had a hard time with was the pink pages with white writing. once my eyes adjusted to it, it was a shock to switch from the pink to a plain page! But over all, this was a very quick read and suggest it to everyone.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Burning Sky

Based during the 1700's, Willa Obenchain was a fourteen year old girl abducted by Mohawks and taken as a captive and was given the name Burning Sky. She married a warrior, has children. When her husband and children die, she decides to return to her family. But will they remember her?

Burning sky is a stunning story about heartache, struggle, and love. It is a story of real hurts and pains and you relate well with the characters. The visualization of the land and the people draw you in and create a story around you. There is beauty in knowing that from the ashes we can rise again.