Saturday, December 3, 2016

31 Verses to Write on Your Heart: Book Review

I love to have encouraging messages - especially with the things that I have going on in my life right now.

This little book came at a great time.

31 verses. One verse per chapter. Super quick 5 minute devotional before your feet even in the floor in the morning, or calming right before you close your eyes at night.

I have read a lot from Liz Curtis Higgs in the past. Her way with words is extraordinary and easy to relate to. She gets "down" to your level, and a lot of times it feels like that particular verse was written for you, on that particular day, at that particular time.

A lot of the verses are ones that have been memorized through the years and are already planted on the hearts of many. However, you can never have too many reminders to get back to the Truth.

This is a good book for the seasoned believer or to the person that is searching and new.