I grew up reading the Berenstain Bears.
Who doesn't love them! Who doesn't love pets! Call me silly - but I read this to my cat...I believe he enjoyed it too.
This was a super cute, short book. A series that I loved as a kid. I thought it was cute how the animals come to church to be blessed.
This brings up the age old question: Do animals go to heaven? Do animals have souls that matter?
I honestly believe they do. God wouldn't have put these special companions in our lives they didn't. My kitty has been there for me when I needed a hug, when I felt alone, when I needed a good laugh. He has been there for me when I needed to talk to someone - and never judged me.
Animals are a true statement of what love is. And I wish we could take our animals to church with us too.
Oh what fun that would be!!